Valorant How to prepare your shoot and your trips for Valorant?

Valorant How to prepare your shoot and your trips for Valorant?

Travel to Valorant

As you will have noticed since the first gameplays put online on the various networks, Valorant is very often compared to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and this is no coincidence.

Gruce to the gameplay of Viper and Phoenix, we know that it will be possible to squat and walk throughout our games. These are simple movements of course, but to use correctly, because it could sometimes save your life or even allow you to make clutches (*).

Clutch: Last alive in your team, you eliminate the remaining team by realizing the objective.

Train to travel for Valorant

We advise you to train yourself on the move by playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, because once again, it is the game that comes closest to Valorant in terms of gameplay.

The game is free in the Steam store, if you have a Steam account you can already download it by clicking here.

Otherwise, you simply need to create a Steam account by clicking here and download the game platform to your computer.

When the game will be downloaded, you just have to start your first competitive games and acquire all the necessary experience in order to assimilate as much as possible the mechanics of traveling.

However, if you don’t want to start a competitive match, you can still train yourself by joining the community servers directly or by training yourself directly against bots.

You can also analyze high-level competitive matches to try to understand the different decision-making in the movement of professional players.

NB: For newcomers to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, when you have won your first two competitive games, a 24-hour penalty will be automatically assigned to you, because the classification system limits new players to two victories per day. Arrived at 10 victories, this penalty will be lifted and you will be able to play as many matches as you wish.

The shoot on Valorant

Like the displacements, the shoot in general is very similar to that present on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. In the different Valorant gameplays offered by Riot Games, we have seen that the accuracy of the shooting has a very big impact on the game.

Create your shoot for Valorant

Did you download Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as we suggested above? So much the better, because we are staying on the same game! This time go to the Settings menu then in Keyboard / Mouse.

First, you will need to find the most suitable sensitivity for you. Some will say that you should be able to turn around on your own with a swipe of the mouse and others will tell you to play as you see fit.

Our opinion is as follows, find the one that suits you best and keep it, because keeping a sensitivity for a few days and changing every week will not help you, on the contrary it will only make things worse.

What card to drive your shoot on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for Valorant?

To start, you will need to subscribe to a specific card available on the Workshop (*) linked to Steam and to do this, follow the steps indicated below:

Workshop: The Steam Workshop is a meeting place for creating content for players. It has tools to publish, organize and download content for your games.

In the main menu in the left column, drag your mouse over the symbol resembling the play logo and click on it.

Then click on the dropdown menu of Official Matchmaking and select WorkShop Card.

Then click on View WorkShop.

Once arrived on the WorkShop page, in the search bar type aim_botz, because it will be on this card that you will train most often.

Once the results of your search are displayed, click on the little + to subscribe to it and you can now leave this page. You will notice that a new card has appeared in your Card mode in the WorkShop.

NB: Rest assured, you will not have to redo this manipulation once subscribed to this card, unless you want to try others then you will have to do the exact same thing.

You can now select the card to which you have just subscribed and click on GO in order to launch your first training session!

And the … is the drama, you have just arrived and you already understand nothing with all its buttons is it?

Do not worry, an acquaintance had already planned this effect on July 1, 2016 and has prepared a very well explained video for you to understand the operation of this card. You can also find many tutorials about Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with help and tips.

To conclude

Valorant has shared with you and explains all its tips in order to best prepare you for the release of Valorant! We hope that this guide will help you in your steps and that it will have been simple to understand!

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